29 June 2010

American Stereotyping

Washington DC Summit a wonderful concept that National Geographic has put together for students to not only explore our DC area; but also to meet and work with students across the United States and the world.

Staff and Students at Whitley Secondary School in Singapore are slowly being introduced to the program that will take them to NYC and Washington DC next March. They are excited. I am excited (I love the DC Summit program and can't wait to work with students both here in Singapore, but in the United States).

One of the components that I am preparing for is the presentation of this program to perspective corporate sponsors and of course parents of perspective student travelers. The National Geographic program offers such a myriad of opportunties for students, selling the concept is not difficult. I have not been so excited about an educational concept and program in a long time.

However... American television programs that are broadcast in Singapore may present an obstacle of their own in convincing families why they should spend thousands of dollars to the good ol USA. CSI:NY; Bones; NCIS; Criminal Minds; Law and Order:SVU; Law and Order:Criminal Intent --- these are shown every day/night over and over again (not to mention CSI; CSI: Miami; NCIS: LA; Numb3rs; and a multitude of other 'law and order' type shows.

So if this is the prime examples of life in the United States --- explain to me how I tell Singaporean parents that it is a 'good' thing to send their students on a 20+ hour plane trip to spend a week in the heart of CRIME. Even tonight... "Murder She Wrote" - NYC murder and crime.

Recently there was a facebook posting that had dialogue that went something like: 'fake tan, fake boobs, fake fingernails, .... are you sure she was made in China'. I saw this a a bad stereotype of China and more directly Chinese. As I contemplate the image that the shows Singaporeans are viewing and attempting to determine what stereotyping is occuring of those who live in the United States I am aware that this will truly be an eyeopening experience for the students.

I just need to figure out a way to get parents and financial partners to see beyond the 'televised' propaganda (and cross my fingers that is waht it really is).

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